WHO'S   WHO ???



That's me in the pictures.   On the right one,   I am the one exhaling bubbles while enjoying my favorite sport,   collecting my selected prize,   frolicking at the best time of the day.   (Thanks for the photo, Yazmin!)

See me here in my preferred dive suit ...... it is called a   "TRUE SKIN" ...... Or you can find me herewith my group of divers hanging in our   DECO BAR .   And,   if by now,   you are suspecting I am one of the instigators of this Home Page,   you have no idea how right you are!!!

I work as a   LEAD FORECASTER   at the NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER in Miami,   Florida.   I manage all Marine Special Projects at NHC ...... (Special Project is defined as a task   NOBODY ELSE wants to do).   That's me making the boss believe I'm   AT WORK.   I included the   NHC HOME PAGE   because of all the neat information available through them that is of interest to divers,   like marine observations with sea conditions around south Florida   and   many other places.

Do you know why south Florida is the Diving Capital of the USA??   Just take a look at our marine conditions.   You can read our year-round water temperature,   wind speed   and   even wave heights from the buoy array just off our sun-bathed coast.

You can see the real-time weather observations on some of our buoy stations around SOUTH FLORIDA.