WHAT A 2001!!   We are already preparing our liveaboard schedule!     One for mid-July (13 - 15) to Bimini,   then a second one to handle the overflow of nitrogen-crazed divers in early August (2 - 5). Both of these at cut rate prizes ...... imagine only $250 for the first   and   $350 for the second!!!   Another trip is being planned for later in August or early September.     A "WRECKERS DELIGHT" (See below) is in the books for October 2001.   Everything included   (except bail!!).  
If interested go visit our   "Schedule"   window for more info.   Contact wally1716@aol.com soon,   as these trips are very likely to get booked very fast!!

NOTE :     The Accomplices strive to make one short  (weekend)  liveaboard trip   or   a long   (3-4 days)  trip per quarter.   Many times,   due to the overflow of divers,   we find ourselves making two   and   more trips to the Bahamas   or   the Keys.   We plan these trips with local liveaboard operators as we negotiate the cost.   Other times,   operators to whom we many times refer passengers,   offer us very special deals.   The spaces we cannot fill at these low,   low prices,   we openly offer them to our readers.   We   DO NOT   profit in any way from these offers,   except that we get more offers from more operators because we fill their boats   and   we get more calls from divers because they are diving in top sites for a very low cost!!!

So,   if you are interested in a liveaboard to the Bahamas   or   the Keys ...... check this page before any other.   You might get a very sweet deal out of these specials!!!

For more information on the next liveaboard trip contact :

  or   visit our SCHEDULE


Sep 28...Arrive  at Miami  Beach  Marina,   where  you'll  meet
THU    some of the  crew  and  the  rest of the  diving  party.
EVE    Register,  unpack,  and  prepare  your  diving  gear, as
       you  wish.  Enjoy the  best of  Miami  Beach  night life
       or  stay  on  board  and  rest  in cool  anticipation to
       your  very  intense  diving  days  coming  ahead.

Sep 29...While  we  all  sleep,  our  liveaboard  vessel  sails 
FRI    across  to  Cat  Cay  for  Bahamian  Customs  clearance.
MORN   By  the  time  you  wake up,  a hearty  breakfast,  full
       of  fresh  tropical  fruits  and  plenty  more  will  be
       waiting  for  you.  Then,  DIVE the very clearest of all   
       Gulfstream waters,  hit  those  incredible  walls,  swim
       along  with  next turtles,  dolphins,  sharks,  see  the
       gigantic  size  of  dinner...... I  mean,  of  lobsters,
       sneak   through  crevices  along  miles  of  corals  all
       day  long,   or  snorkel,  or  just   relax   sunbathing
       on  deck  or  on a totally sun-filled  deserted  island.

NITE...Invasion  of  North  Bimini  by   divers.   Forces  from
       several  liveaboards  will  converge  at  the   COMPLEAT
       ANGLER,  Ernest  Hemingway's  favorite  place  in  these 
       "islands  in  the  sun".  Enjoy  the  memorabilia of the 
       "Old  Man  and  the  Sea".    Dance  restlessly  to  the
       calypso  beat  until  your  nitrogen   bubbles   succumb
       to  the  music.  Trade  stories  with divers from  other
       liveaboards.   Party,  pillage  and   plunder   at   the
       "End  of the  World"  bar  until  breakfast  or  sailing
       time,  whichever  comes  first.   TAKE  NO  PRISIONERS!!
       (DISCLAIMER.....Bail is  NOT included in cost of trip!!)

Sep 30...No  different  than  Friday.  The  vessel  would  move
SAT    through  several   dive   sites  for  diversity  and  to
       accommodate  different   diving  preferences  or  needs.
NITE   Anchor  at  one  of  the  cays  for  dinner,  a  shallow
       reef  for  a  night  dive  or,  if  so  desired,  return
       to  port  for  more  party,   pillage   and  plunder  of
       whatever  has  been  left  of  town  unburned.

Oct 01...Let the soft  music  of  the  waves  wake  up  in  the
SUN    morning.....a hearty  breakfast,  then  DIVE  to  please
MORN   your  heart's  innermost  desire!!.........Turtle Rocks,
       Victory  Reef,  and  other   world-famous   dive  sites.
       Early   afternoon  return  to  arrive in  time for  U.S.
       Customs.   Sunday's  night  life  in  Miami  Beach opens 
       for  the ones strong  enough  to  dance,  walk  or,  for  
       that  matter,  even  stand.    8-))

( $ 795...All inclusive,   but hard liquor)
( $ 895...with optional extra day in Dry Tortugas)

One of our liveaboard trip is called the   "WRECKERS   DELIGHT".   The   "Delight"   is a five day liveaboard trip leaving Miami for Key West   and   back.     This is a tentative   5 or 6   day schedule.

DAY 1...Depart  Miami and,  almost immediately,  dive  some  of
        the  best  wrecks  which  are normally  "out  of reach"
        to  most  dive  boat   charters   from   Miami  due  to
        their  distances,  these  are  the  Ultra   Freeze  and
        the   Almirante  among  others.  Good  walls  at  Elbow
        or  Whistling  Buoy  or  at Molasses  Reef  will surely
        ongass  the  most  nitrogenic  addict.   We  then  head
        south  for  Isla Morada,  where  the  night  life  beat
        will keep the  Nitrogen from  re-dissolving  back  into
        our  tissues.....a  very  important  aspect of  diving.

DAY 2...Another  set  of  deep  wrecks  await  us  in  the area
        ....including  the  Eagle,  the  Duane  and  the  Bibb.
        We  pause  to  rest  and  approach  some  good  shallow
        archeologically-significant  wrecks  like  the  Infante 
        and  a  glimpse  of  Looe  Key......our  most  pristine
        diving  site  in  the  Keys!!!     We  reach  Key  West
        that  evening  for some rest  and  recuperation (WHAT?)
        in  the  peaceful  and  cool  tranquility  of  the  one 
        and  only southernmost  point in the  Continental  USA.

DAY 3...We  dive  Key  West  wrecks   or   reefs,   which   are
        plenty...special training  might  be  required  and  is 
        available  for  diving  in   some  of  the  very   deep
        wrecks..please check  your credentials  BEFORE  diving.
        Another  night  in  Key  West  just  in case  the first
        one was  not  enough....Back  to  serious  night  life. 

OPTIONAL DAY....Dive  the  Dry  Tortugas......an  unforgettable
        experience...Dive  in the  best  dive site in  the  USA
        .....ALL  DAY  LONG  or visit  historic  Ft. Jefferson! 
DAY 4...We  backtrack  our  footsteps  (wake)   and  return  to
        Isla  Morada  for  more  splendid  diving  on the  best
        wrecks of the  Keys.  We  berth  at  the  Holiday  Isle
        for  more  unforgettable  night  life (survivors only).
DAY 5...More  serious  diving  in  the  wrecks we missed on our 
        southbound  leg  or  the  ones  we  liked  too  much !!
        Back  to  Miami as sunset marks  the  end of our  trip.


Like the schedule?   Would you believe for $ 795 ...... ALL INCLUSIVE ! That means private   or   semi-private cabins,  all the NITROX diving,   food,   refreshments,   chaser boats   and   much more !!   You cannot find better diving than this   and / or   a better deal in the continental USA   or   even beyond!!

More information is available by contacting wally1716@aol.com


Have fun in the Internet !!!