As of 8/14/2



1........BASIC NITROX Course at our new classroomS at Ocean Safari in Miami. We move into our more convenient, larger and more modern facilities for classes. We also have on a much bigger, roomier, faster and convenient vessel to do our class dives in Miami. All booked up. See next course in August 17th... 3........NIGHT DIVE ! A two-tanker; first a twilight wreck and then either dive the wreck at night or move to a live reef to see blooming marine night life ( we are not the only ones who do party at night, you know )........................Cost $ 40 1-11.....REGISTRATION meeting / start of our next series of Technical /TRIMIX Courses in Spanish. The series will bring the level and capacity of divers into DECO theory and practice to make a safer decompresion procedure, mixed gas and gas blending operations. Classes and dives will last through the day with confined water and IANTD Instructor Crossover Course nights. Contact Wally for further info or see our window at "Focus on Instruction" for details. Techie dives are open to alumni or other qualified divers. 1-11.....Reunión de matrícula / comienzo de la serie de los cursos de buceo técnico en español. Esta secuencia de cursos llevará al buzo a un nivel y capacidad de llevar a cabo buceos con descompresión, mezcla de gases y mezclajes. Las clases son todo el día con trabajos de aguas confinadas y el curso de Cruce de Instructores a IANTD de noche. Contacte a Wally si desea más información o visite liga "Focus in Instruction" para detalles de los cursos y sus costos. 17-18....IANTD BASIC NITROX COURSE. Learn and practice the use of ALL blends of Nitrox, not just the usual 32 and 36%. Learn why it's preferred and many times REQUIRED for many advanced or more serious level diving courses. Not only you expand your dive planning skills, but practice safer, more complex dives with success. Course meets for lecture Saturday with two Nitrox repetitive dives on Sunday. Cost includes double dive trip, certification fees and Nitrox tanks......$ 195 26.......Meeting for next DECO Course in English. Join us in the new millenium for scuba diving. DECO Course trains you in those techniques that are going to keep you diving with a minimum of risk. Meeting will help determine days and hours of class meetings, pool and dives. Join us in the level higher level of scuba training......................................$ 495 31.......WRECK DIVE on the Ultra Freeze Wreck ( 130 fsw ) off Miami followed by the Ste. Anne D'Auray ( 70 fsw ) in very close vicinity. Perfect dives for Nitrox qualified divers as they can extend their second dive significantly with the use of a good Nitrox blend. Depart Saturday at 12:30 pm from Watson Island Marina. Cost for the Accomplices is only........$ 40 _____________________________________________________________________


6........FLASH.......A special TRIMIX Course in English will be given this weekend at Ocean Safari in Miami. Because of a previous committment, we will be doing three full days of lectures of the TRIMIX Course. We be meeting all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday, then do our confined water exercises and dives anytime at the students' convenience. Here's your chance to jump into the TRIMIX bandwagon with the convenience of dives at your pace........................A VERY SPECIAL RATE TOO! 11-12....CPR/AED COURSE at Ocean Safari. Learn the new technology to save a life. CPR with Automated Exterior Defribillator make the chance of survival improve significantly. Learn what is the correct procedure to use AEDs and save a life!.......$95 14.......DIVE the SPIEGEL GROVE in Key Largo!! Deco-friendly, dive- your heart out at the SG at your leisure. No hurry up, no- surface-with-xxxpsi-stuff. You spend as long as you want to, deco accordingly ( if you are DECO-qualified ), do your SIT under a bright Florida sun, then dive again at your heart's delight. No hurries, this is the Keys, mon!! We continue with our DECO on dry land................................$40 27-28....DIVE THE WILKES BARRE!!!! The Lethal Lady waits for us with its magic, mystery and history. We plan to attack dive the WB on both days. We dive the Adolph Busch Wreck as a second dive on Saturday. What a wreckie weekend!!! Estimated cost of ALL dives, gases and boarding........................$350 _____________________________________________________________________


1........Meeting for next DECO Course in English. Join us in the new millenium for scuba diving. DECO Course trains you in those techniques that are going to keep you diving with a minimum of risk. Meeting will help determine days and hours of class meetings, pool and dives. Join us in the level higher level of scuba training......................................$ 495 5........Deep Wreck Dive in the Keys. Still undecided which wreck we want to visit, but plenty of choices from the Spiegel Grove, Bibb, Duane or Eagle.....but a garanteed fun dive and at low cost. 21.......Depart for DEMA Show in Las Vegas. Taking some spare change to try my luck at the one-arm-bandits. If I hit the million prize, I might not need to teach diving no more.........8-)) 28.......REGISTRATION meeting / start of our next series of Technical /TRIMIX Courses in Spanish. The series will bring the level and capacity of divers into DECO theory and practice to make a safer decompresion procedure, mixed gas and gas blending operations. Classes and dives will last through the day with confined water and IANTD Instructor Crossover Course nights. Contact Wally for further info or see our window at "Focus on Instruction" for details. Techie dives are open to alumni or other qualified divers. 28.......Reunión de matrícula / comienzo de la serie de los cursos de buceo técnico en español. Esta secuencia de cursos llevará al buzo a un nivel y capacidad de llevar a cabo buceos con descompresión, mezcla de gases y mezclajes. Las clases son todo el día con trabajos de aguas confinadas y el curso de Cruce de Instructores a IANTD de noche. Contacte a Wally si desea más información o visite liga "Focus in Instruction" para detalles de los cursos y sus costos. _____________________________________________________________________ We are back to our routine diving, diving and diving as our water temperatures inch are already above 80F and our dry suits have been stored long time ago. Back to our 3mm !! _____________________________________________________________________ But there will be LOTS AND LOTS more to come soon. Stay tuned. _____________________________________________________________________

We are diving every weekend   and   in some cases half way through it ...... as our gills miss the salty taste   (well,   not really)   of the Gulfstream waters   even now that the lobster season is closed till August.   Come join us   and   get away from your spring cleaning   and   GET WET !!

KEEP TUNED to this WEB site   and   don't change this bookmark!!

Contact   Wally   Barnes   for   information
(305) 975-1716 or e-mail at