TRIMIX,   that "new" gas becoming available to divers made of Nitrogen,   Oxygen   and   Helium,   is the gas we select for our deeper dives,   whether they are wrecks,   open water   or   walls.   Notice the quotation marks around the word "new"?   That is because Helium has been used for diving operations since early this century ...... even way before SCUBA became popular.   It has been used since the first half of the century in commercial,   scientific   and   military operations   (just like Nitrox was)   with an outstanding   and   enviable safety record.   Why is this so ?
Because of the increase in safety it provides the diver   FAR   outweights any particular setback it might have.   TRIMIX   has stopped being exclusive of extremely deep dives   and   has become the choice for even those dives just within the recreational "limit".   We use   TRIMIX   for any dive deeper than 130 ft   (and some of us,   even shallower than that).

First,   and   more importantly,   it decreases inert gas narcosis to an acceptable level which is selected by the individual divers.   This,   by itself,   more than suffices as a reason to dive it.   A well-trained diver with a clear head is able to cope with most adversities that might be foreseen happening in a dive of this nature.   On the contrary,   the best trained diver would be a prime candidate for an accident   (which at these depths has proven to be fatal)   when they become mentally impaired by inert gas narcosis.   How many   HORROR   stories have you heard from deep divers ...... if they can remember anything that happened at all??   With   TRIMIX,   the diver would select what (equivalent) nitrogen depth s/he wants,   according to his/her own previous experience   and   ability to focus under such influence.   So,   a diver could be diving at 160 ft,   but have the nitrogen level equivalent to,   let's say,   100 ft ...... which is an acceptable level of impairement.   Besides,   using   TRIMIX,   they will be able to accomplish what their dive goals might have been   and   REMEMBER   what they saw,   did   or   didn't do at that depth.   That clear head is   CRITICAL   when the margin for errors is as thin as the skin of your teeth.

Second,   it now allows the diver to select his/her level of Oxygen partial pressure without having to trade with Nitrogen pressure.   As depth increases we want to decrease our partial pressure of Oxygen to a safe level to avoid the dreaded   Ox-Tox.   With Nitrox,   the only exchange is to increase the Nitrogen fraction,   hence,   its partial pressure (and associated narcosis).   With TRIMIX,   we are able to maintain a low   PPO2   while maintaining a desired   PPN2   by offsetting the lower Oxygen level with a higher Helium fraction.   Now the diver has a controlled   PPO2   AND   a controlled   PPN2 ...... which are two of the divers' main concerns for this kind of inmersions.

Third,   the addition of a 'light" gas like Helium decreases the overall density of the breathing gas,   making it easier to breathe at depth.   When the gas density increases due to the increased pressure,   the regulator efficiency becomes an important issue.   Using a mixture which is less dense by the addition of Helium decreases gas viscocity,   facilitating the breathing process which in turn decreases the bodily retention of another gas of concern,   Carbon Dioxide (CO2).   CO2 retention has been known to be a factor in increasing the propensity for   Ox-Tox,   Bends   and   Nitrogen Narcosis.   So,   by improving the breathing efficiency with the addition of Helium,   we avoid CO2 buildup   and hence,   the probability of the mentioned maladies.

There are a few setbacks with the use of Helium in our mixes.   The most important is that (depending on the dive time) it increases our Deco   and   starts with deeper stops (30 or 40 ft).   Since most of the time we are doing some kind of Deco anyway,   this addition of a few minutes might not be to much of a concern to us.   But it does add to the overall dive plan since we must determine how much gas   and   at what percentages of Oxygen we are Decoing.

A second concern about the use of Helium is its cost.   It increases the cost of the tankfill significantly.   Unfortunatelly,  there is little we can do about this except pay.   But,   when my life is at stake,   I'd rather pay a little more   and   be   MUCH   safer than save a few dollars   and   increase my risks substantially.   Would you save a dollar to rent a parachute without an emergency chute   or   would you pay extra for such a life-saving device?

Another item to consider is the fact that the training you get to be able to use TRIMIX is so intense   and   complete that you will use all the dive planning knowledge to do your regular simpler dives to the point of making them easier,   more comfortable   and   safer.   You will have a more complete picture of how your body performs   and   behaves under such pressures   and   conditions.   You will have a more comprehensive knowledge of what gear is used for what type of dive   and   WHY.   This new awareness will definitely sharpen your dive skills,   specially in dive planning.


If you are looking for a solid   TRIMIX   education to be a better   and   safer diver,   or   upgrade your present   NITROX   level,   Advance your knowledge while increasing your safety   and   enjoyment ..... Get better preparation   and   practice ..... Give the Accomplices a call for the next scheduled course   or   for one of our fantastic liveaboard trips ... SAFE ENJOYMENT WHILE YOU LEARN !!!