********** The following article appeared in SOURCES,   the NAUI Journal of Underwater Education.   Reprinted here with permission from NAUI.   Our thanks to their staff for permitting us to share this important informationwith our readers.**********

This article is the third of three parts on the diving impact of tides   and   tidal currents.   Please refer to Part One   and   Dois before reading this section as we are expanding concepts explained previously.   We repeat that this article is   NOT INTENDED   to be universal,   but general in nature   and   in   NO WAY   should be construed to be representative of any particular site.   Users are advised to seek local information regarding differences between the strength   and   timing of tides   and   tidal current maxima   and   slack waters.

In this article we expand on other astronomical phenomena that influence the height of the tide   and,   therefore,   the strength of the maximum current.   Please refer to the previous two articles on the subject.

The attraction force between our planet   and   the moon varies with their distance apart;   the farther apart,   the less attraction   and   vice versa.   When the moon is on its perigee,   it is on its closest point to the Earth   and   the tidal currents' maximum strength will be intensified.   Upon reaching its apogee,   or   farthest distance from our planet,   the moon's effect will be decreased   and   the maximum current strength will be reduced.   The effect of the moon's apogee   and   perigee on the tidal current is irrelevant to whether we have spring or neap tides.

Let's quantify these forces in an oversimplified way.   Please remember these numbers do not,   in any way,   reflect a real current strength.   They are used only to help establish a reference point.   Local currents may vary significantly.   Check your local diving authorities for more appropiate information.

If we assume that the average strength of a tidal current is around 50 ft/min (a normal diver moves at 100 ft/min   and   this is only for a few minutes),   we would expect that:

Max current  Perigee    Apogee    Spring    Neap   =   Total 
50 ft/min      +10                  +25            =   85 ft/min
50   "         -10                  +25            =   65   "
50   "         +10                                 =   60   "
50   "                   -10                       =   40   "
50   "                                      -25    =   25   "
50   "                   -10                -25    =   15   "

The speeds range from a maximum current so slow that any diver could cope,   or   so strong that none could.   Keep in mind we only refer here to the maximum current occurring halfway between tides (usually about three hours after a tide   or   before the next one).   The minimum   or   slack time occurs close to the time of the tide   and   could go as slow as 0 ft/min (no current).

Other currents,   like global   or   wind driven currents are not included in any of these calculations.   They have to be determined by the diver before s/he jumps in the water.   But,   because these currents do not normally reach the strength of the tidal flow,   they usually are not accounted for in a dive plan.

Most of the information offered here works well when the moon is at   or   near the Earth's equator.   In other words,   events ...... highs   and   lows ...... are symetrical.   While this simplifies explanations,   we still have to deal with the case of the moon traveling to the north   and   south of our equator,   consequently displacing the high tide sea level bulges   and   the low tide depressions.

The moon travels once in a cycle as far as 28.5 degrees north   and   south of its plane of rotation.   In the USA,   that would be about the latitude of Cape Canaveral,   Tampa   and   Corpus Christi.   An observer at these locations would see a maximum high tide with an overhead moon,   meaning a stronger maximum tidal current for whatever moon phase (spring   or   neap).   But 12 hours later,   s/he would then find a not-so-high tide because the high tide bulges are not symetrical ...... producing a weaker maximum tidal current.   In Figure 1,   we see the diver under the moon's zenith in the northern hemisphere with a very high spring tide.   Half a day later,   s/he is at a not-so-high tide on the other side of the planet.   Of course,   now the change of tide height is minimum,   therefore,   the maximum tidal current is weak.   So on days when the moon is at   or   approaching its northernmost   or   southernmost points in its orbit,   it would be smart to dive when the tidal change is minimal   and   maximum tidal currents are weak.   So,   rather than a morning dive with a strong current,   plan on an afternoon dip with little   or   no current.   You'll enjoy it more   and   be safer.

Let's get our conclusions together here now :
ONE ......Moon perigees intensify the "normal" tidal current maximum current.   Moon apogees decrease the "normal" tidal current maximum current.   We can find information on the moon's orbit on any nautical almanac   or   in the newspaper clipping on the tides.
TWO ......The tidal current speed is the resulting combination of forces affecting the main water in (or out) flow including apogee,   perigee,   neap   or   spring tide.
THREE ....The moon at its northernmost   or   southernmost position will produce one very high tide   and   one very low tide,   then one not-so-high tide followed by a not-so-low tide ...... so there will be one strong maximum tidal current   and   one weak maximum tidal current.   This is regardless of whether it is a spring   or   neap tide.

Divers must be aware of the forces the moon exert upon our oceans.   Very few events will scare a diver more than being pulled away from the return point by an uncontrollable force.   From trying to counter an overwhelming current comes fatigue and from fatigue comes despair,   from despair,   panic,   and   from hours waiting for a rescue,   a very chilled   and disgusted diver (at best!!)

Check your local tide tables,   notice the height of the high tide   and   of the low tide;   open ocean differences of three (3) ft   or   more usually cause currents well above 60 ft/min.   In the above example,   dive near the time of high   or   low tide ...... when the current is SLACK (high tide,   because it brings clean water from the deep sea is usually clearer than low tide which normally brings dirty water from nearshore).   During NEAP tides,   the difference from high to low is so small (less than 1.5 ft)   and   the water rush is not too strong,   so your timing is not as critical.   Of course,   if your swimming skills are not fully developed,   don't take any chances,   dive when the currents are slack whether it is spring   or   neap tide.

Now that we know how tides relate to currents,   its effect on divers   and   the times to avoid strong tidal currents ...... and   just as important,   how   and   where to get the information ..... we can make it an integral part of our dive plan. It is only to our own benfit   and   safety.  Many books stress the importance,   but fail to explain how you make your calculations to know when to jump in.

Any comments,   complaints,   gripes,   grumbles,   laments   or   accusations can be addressed to our webslave ...... Wally Barnes