NITROX,   or   more correctly called Enriched Air Nitrox ..... EANx ..... has been used in underwater operations for many,   many years; specially by the military,   commercial   and   scientific community.
But now,   it is the recreational divers who are giving the gas its popularity.   As Accomplices in our underwater delinquencies,   we all use NITROX almost exclusively in our excursions....WHY ??   Mainly because it gives a real extended underwater time while it   INCREASES   our safety margin in those multi-day,   multi-dive trips.   We really exploit the best mix concept in EVERY dive,   not just the 32% and 36% routine.   We dive on the highestpercent   NITROX   that safety margins permit,   so as to decrease our nitrogen ongassing to the very minimum.   We prepare our mixes with accurate dive planning,   a rigid gas management   and   precise gas blending   and   analyzing techniques.  
***This all requires additional training.***


Realistically,   a diver using   NITROX   mixes with higher Oxygen contents can dive for longer bottom times with shorter SIT intervals   and   with less exhaustion under a wider safety margin than with air.   Most of us even carry air computers,   because we do not have to worry about taking it to the edge of deco,   we   KNOW   we are still well inside our limits.   We perform multilevel dives with air computers while diving on   NITROX   to ensure our safety is not compromised.   As we age   and   stress our bodies out of physical condition,   the need for additional safety factors becomes imperative while still not decreasing our time and dedication to this sport we love so much.

As an example,   if we were to do three dives within one afternoon ..... while most other divers on board can barely make two without coming too close to the edge of their deco envelop ..... this would be a typical profile .....

                         on NITROX     on air
104' for 20 minutes  36%    E            G* 
SIT 1:00 D F
87' for 26 minutes 40% I H* 6 minutes maximum or do deco
SIT 1:30 F F
58' for 40 minutes 40% H J* 24 minutes maximum or do deco
* Deco limit of U.S. Navy Air Tables Note.....For additional safety, our divers have the option to breathe 80% NITROX during their safety stop at 20-30 ft which increases their rate of Nitrogen offgassing ..... surfacing with a much LOWER amount of Nitrogen than what the tables call for.

As you can see,   the difference in bottom time is,   not only significant,   but the air diver   CANNOT   perform dives   (without doing deco) which the NITROX diver breezes thru with a light nitrogen load ..... after all these are only recreational dives.   Even restricting his/her underwater time,   the air diver is so close to the saturation limit that it would be risky to his/her health.   On the other hand,   the NITROX profile is not only Nitrogen-safe,   but also Oxygen-safe.   In both concerns,   we have maintained a wide margin of safety while extending our bottom time substantially.   When we have a typical afternoon dive,   or whether we are diving from a fantastic liveaboard in the beautiful Bahamian waters,   or   near the Florida Keys,   our divers plan,  prepare   and   execute dives that are safer to their physiology while enjoying the realm of beauty the ocean has to offer.

And if you are thinking that   NITROX  is more expensive ..... think it over again because the   NITROX   diver is really getting his/her money's worth per trip when you consider time spent underwater versus time sitting on the boat !!!

If you are looking for a solid   NITROX   education to be a better   and   safer diver,   or   upgrade your present   NITROX   level ..... not to let 32%   and   36% guide your dives ..... Advance your knowledge while increasing your safety   and   enjoyment ..... Get better preparation   and   practice ..... Give the Accomplices a call for the next scheduled course   or   for one of our fantastic liveaboard trips ... SAFE ENJOYMENT WHILE YOU LEARN !!!
